A Letter to Myself: Turning 25 and Perfecting the Pursuit
Who I am at 25.
March 11th, 2020 is my 25th birthday.
Yeah, I’ve walked this earth a quarter of a century. I’m writing this as a letter to myself and for others finding themselves coming of the same age and perhaps with similar lessons learned, experiences had, and hopes for the future.
At times it feels like I’ve lived an eternity, and other times I am reminded at how far have yet to go. Life seems to be moving in slow motion and hyper speed at the same time. There are days where I feel completely in control of my life, and days when I don’t know which way is up. The “quarter-life crisis” is upon me.
Gone are the all-nighters that turned into early mornings, and all the spontaneous shenanigans conjured by late night libations. Hangovers are haunting and strike me with an unforgiving ferocity. My priorities have shifted and my perspective is constantly being stretched, twisted, and redefined through experiences I have and the people I meet.
[bctt tweet=”You can’t appreciate winning until you’ve experienced losing. The struggles have sharpened my sense of self and strengthened my resilience.” username=”heisfiwa”]I’ve learned that struggle can definitely be real. If you haven’t experienced it yet, you will – in your own way and with your own obstacles. The rationing of paychecks, the nearly unbearable hit to the ego of sending in resume after resume only to get rejected, or even worse – no reply at all. There are times that $50.00 can feel like $500.00 and has to be stretched to make every penny count. Then there’s the occasional self-inflicted psych outs where you become riddled with doubt and question every recent decision you’ve made and are currently making.